Torque measurement in rotation allows to know real mechanical torque or power transmitted by a machine during its operating conditions. No shaft line modification is required to realize this measurement.
Break or early degration problem of transmission system.
Damaged coupling.
Performance or efficiency problem on a machine.
Cracked shaft.
Torsional fatigue break phenomenon.
Abnormal noise on gear or teeth failure.
Torsional phenomenon measurement and diagnostic (torsional critical speed).
Quantify real torque transmitted to a shaft line and real mechanical power.
Diagnostiquer les phénomènes de vibrations de torsion et fréquences de résonances
Check machine performances.
Check transmission system sizing.
Analyze torsional pulsatory and transient phenomenon.
We work on site with all measurement equipment necessary to carry out the torque measurement. Our team can be mobilized urgently to provide these services.
Shaft instrumentation on site with strain gages (torsional bridge).
Installation of telemetry system on shaft.
Measurement of start-up torque followed by average and pulsating torque in operating conditions.
Torsional critical speed measurement.
Instantaneous speed measurement with coder sensor (zebra tape) to compare to API criteria.